Guest Post by Liz Novak: Mentor for a Moment

As the Membership Manager here at the MCBA, I’m often asked the same question by new, young attorneys: “Do you have a mentoring program?”

In the past the answer was no, but today, the answer is: yes.

The MCBA, with guidance and a recommendation from our Membership Committee, is launching a Mentor for a Moment Pilot Program. It’s a members-only program – the mentors need to be members as do the mentees.

mentor for a moment clip art

It’s a pretty simple concept: gather applications of willing attorneys with 10+ years in various practice areas and publish the list in a “members only” area of our website (hang on to those logins and passwords you’re using for dues!). The list will be categorized by areas of practice, with the contact information listed for participants.

Our Young Lawyer community continues to grow, and they need the wisdom that sometimes only our experienced and seasoned attorneys can give them. Our goal in creating this program is to fulfill a need for our members, make it simple for all involved, and help to better the legal community.

There will be no need to sign up as a “mentee” – just as a mentor by filling out the application. We will confirm once it’s been approved. We do ask that mentors return a mentee’s call or email within 48 hours.

As we gather a significant number of mentors, we publish the list under the “Member Center” on the website. We also are looking at hosting an event in September where mentors and interested mentees can mix and mingle.

If you have any questions or you want to learn more about Mentor for a Moment, feel free to contact me at


P.S. Don’t forget to renew your dues – we have new benefits that you won’t want to miss out on!